Incredible – A Bronx Widow Leaves $300K To Her Cats In Her Will!


In today’s crazy news, a Bronx widow has just left her two cats $300 000 in her will! Tiger and Troy are two cats living in the Bronx who are now wealthier than most of us.

Their owner also left instructions on how the funds should be used after her passing. The cats should never be put inside a cage and should always be cared for.

Incredible – A Bronx Widow Leaves $300K To Her Cats In Her Will!

The cats have obviously hit the jackpot, considering that Tiger was found in an alley and now he lives in Ocala, eating expensive cat food and sleeping on a plushy silk-lined bed.

Dahlia Grizzle, Tiger’s caretaker says that the cat completely deserves his fortune and that he’s a great pet. The widow, Frey-Wouters, died aged 88 in 2015. She became a widow in 1989 when her husband passed away and her only child unfortunately died as an infant.

Frey-Wouters formed a strong bond with her cats, so it’s no surprise that she left her fortune to them. Pretty generous, wouldn’t you say?

What do you think ?
