Boy Runs Away From Home, Steals Cats and Cat Merchandise From Petco!

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA – This is one of the most “bittersweet” stories we have ever stumbled upon here The Best Cat Page.

A teenage boy is being accused of stealing cats from a pet store in the metro area.

Police say the juvenile is a runaway and was spotted Friday in Oklahoma City, but managed to escape from officers.

Later that evening, he apparently spent some time in a local Petco and allegedly left without paying for the cats and an array of cat merchandise.

Police said a 13-year-old boy somehow got into the locked adoption condos at Petco which is located in northwest Oklahoma City, stuck CC and another cat into bags and walked out of the store.

Police said he didn’t get too far before police showed up and arrested him for shoplifting.

The police report noted the juvenile as having an affinity for theft and cats.

“The managers of Petco; they believe that this particular individual may have been responsible for some others, some possible thefts, some possible shoplifting, but that’s still under investigation,” Oklahoma City police Sgt. Ashley Peters said.


“Hopefully he won’t get out with just a slap on the wrist, you know. This is just the beginning of somebody doing worst things down the road,” said Patty Woodward, a volunteer for Misfits, Mutts and Meows.

The organization is an animal rescue which uses Petco’s space to get their cats adopted.

“It’s hard to understand why somebody would be going out and collecting cats,” she added.

Woodward said CC was the only store cat that made it back from this escapade.

Skittles, the brown and white tabby, is still missing and everyone is very worried sick about her.

“She can’t fend for herself and there’s a lot of traffic and we just don’t know where she could be,” Woodward told News 9.

The missing cat has a microchip, which will help to identify her.

If you see Skittles, please call Petco at (405) 879-4295 or the rescue at (405) 471-3922.

We here at The Best Cat Page would like to offer our two cents in this matter. Granted, the boy needs help, lots of it. He also deserves to pay for his mistakes. However, stealing cats and also stealing cat merchandise such as food and toys and condos would indicate that more than likely, the teen probably had the best of intentions. He probably wanted pets. What he failed to realize is he seriously needs to get his life together and grow up before he is able to become “a good, responsible cat daddy.”

Having a job and having a secure place to live should probably be his first steps. – Oklahoma City, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports |
