Famous Rescued Kitten Named Bruce Inspires Book That Teaches Human Children To Be …

Bruce’s tale almost didn’t start at all. A year and a half ago the bedraggled one-day old kitten was completely alone on a footpath in the rain.

Luckily he was discovered by a woman who was walking home from work. She decided to toke him home and fed him around the clock to keep him alive.

The kitten was named after that other famous orphan known as Bruce Wayne.

The tiny kitten’s story went completely viral. Bruce now has over 32,600 Facebook fans from all over the world who hang on his every photo and exploit – including getting to know his “big sister” Jager, who is also a rescue cat, and changing color from grey to black.

“Due to his troubled start in life Bruce is a very small cat, but good things come in small packages,” Kathryn van Beck explained to iizcat. “He also changed colour from grey to black due to a condition called ‘fever coat’. When we first found him we thought he might be Siamese or British Blue, but he transformed into a beautiful black moggie.”

Watch Bruce’s color change in the video right here:

Along with climbing trees and also frolicking in the garden, Bruce currently dedicates himself to raising awareness of other cats and kittens who are in need. Bruce has actually helped other cats like DeeDee find forever homes.

Kathryn van Beek (Bruce’s human) has recently written and illustrated a children’s picture book called Bruce Finds a Home.

The book, which is based on the story of how Bruce was first found, encourages children to care for and be kind to animals.

The book supports The Animal Rescue Network, which is a charitable trust dedicated to helping stray and abandoned cats and kittens.

Bruce is now running a Kickstarter campaign which allows people to actually pre-order copies of the book. There’s a wide range of rewards for those who pledge, including custom illustrations and also Bruce’s pawtograph! You can find Bruce’s Kickstarter page right here

We feel sure that Bruce will achieve his goal of releasing his book, supporting The Animal Rescue Network while encouraging children to be kind to animals.

Photo credits: Kathryn van Beck │ via: www.iizcat.com