This Adorable Kitty Has A Nice Wink And A Heartwarming Story To Tell!

A girl named Kaylen works in a veterinary clinic nearby her home, and the last Christmas day started like every other until strangers brought in a surprise. They found an abandoned kitten in a box with Christmas ornaments which had a pretty cute “wink” which separated it from other kittens.

After close examination, the vets concluded that the kitty was healthy otherwise, and was born with only one eye. It doesn’t look bad at all – as a matter of fact, the tiny kitty looks like she’s winking to you! The cat was named Yara and the permanent wink will surely melt your heart.

Yara became a favorite at the clinic pretty fast. She was given a stuffed animal to feel like home – here’s a cut pic of Yara sleeping on it. Of course, the clinic was no home for the kitten, and everyone knew they had to find a new home for Yara soon.

However, there was one person who wasn’t going to just give Yara to strangers. Kaylen suggest her brother Matty was looking for a cat, and it was a match made in heaven. Matty took in the kitten and she immediately felt at home. As a nice gesture, the clinic gave let Yara have the stuffed animal.

As you can see, Matty and Yara are having the time of their life. He loves her with all his heart, and considers the wink cute, not a deformity.

Yara isn’t affected by the missing eye – in fact, she’s as normal as any other kitten.

She’s also made a new friend – Matty’s trusty cat Sonny.

Yara may have had a difficult beginning to life, but she’s been lucky to get adopted by a true cat lover who loves her just like she was born.
