Cat Missing For Two Years, Found Just Yards Away From …

UNITED KINGDOM - A cat who had gone missing from its Coventry home has been found only yards away from where he was last seen two and a half years ago.

Charlie, the 12-year-old cat went missing back in 2015, however, was spotted by a member of the public in Common Way in Stoke on January 29.

The RSPCA arrived to collect the cat and took him to a nearby vet who scanned him for a microchip - and successfully pulled up his owner’s details.

He was found with a terrible injury to his leg, which resulted in his leg being amputated, however, he is now back with his family who are simply thrilled to have him home.

Susan Moazzenkivi nine-year-old daughter, whose name is Maisie, and Jake, three, were also delighted to welcome back Charlie.

“When Charlie went missing we put his photo on Facebook lost and found groups and we were always looking out for him,” she stated.


“We are just in shock that he’s now home. We can’t believe it.

“He seems happy to be back. I got down on my hands and knees and called his name and he came running over so he obviously remembers his name.

“My daughter wrote a letter to RSPCA officer McConkey to thank him for helping Charlie.

“I’d just like Charlie’s story to encourage other cat owners to make sure they get their cats microchipped.”
