Concerned Cat Walks Young Boy to School Every Day to Help Him Overcome Anxiety!

On his very first day of Maple Tree Lower school, William Dutton nerves got so horrible that he didn’t even want to put his shoes on.

He was suffering from an anxiety attack when all of the sudden Milly Moo came to his aid.

Milly sat right next to William while his shoes were being tied by his mom when his mom suddenly noticed an instant change in William’s behavior.

“I could just see the fear drain away,” the mom stated.

However, that was not the end of Milly Moo’s support.

The concerned cat took it upon herself to accompany William and his mom on their walk all the way to school, to ensure his anxiety didn’t return.

Now, every school day at lunchtime without fail, Milly Moo trots alongside William and his mom on the 13-minute walk to school.

What’s even more astonishing, Milly Moo seems to be able to sense when it is time to collect William. When 3:30 pm rolls around, she is waiting to accompany Victoria back to the school to bring her favorite boy safely home.

Victoria goes to explain that Milly and William’s special bond stretches back to before he was even born, as while she was pregnant with William, Milly used to gently stroke her baby bump with her paw, in what Victoria describes as a ‘protective’ gesture.

Watch their heart-warming video below!

cute kittens