Disfigured Kitten Rescued From a Factory is Transformed by Love!

SOUTH AFRICA – Little Warrior was rescued from a factory after he was badly injured. He was immediately taken to The kitten cottage, which is located in South Africa.

The poor wee one had been caught in one of the forklift trucks and needed to be rushed to the vet immediately.

The wounds he received covered most of his body. He needed to be bandaged up and put on heavy antibiotics. For awhile, it seemed like a hopeless situation.

Warrior, however, had absolutely no intention of giving up.

Over the course of the next weeks, he fought with new, fierce determination.

He was re-bandaged twice a day, hand-fed and was kept on medication for a total of 3 weeks.

And then, Warrior seemed to gain super-kitten strength when he was introduced to another kitten, whose name is Butterfly.

They became the best of friends!

These two played together always as Warrior continued along on his road to recovery, and after about 4 months Warrior fully recovered!!!

He has now been adopted by a lovely couple and receives all of the love he could possibly need.

Little Warrior was found caught up in a machine at a factory, his wounds were so bad and he needed round the clock care.


His tiny body was completely covered with injuries and the bandages had to changed regularly.


It was all touch and go but despite the odds things started to get better!


However, Warrior had the will and strength to push through!


He was very brave despite the fact that the entire upper part of his body injured.


That is when he earned the name, Warrior!


Loads time and money was spent on his recovery because, as we all know, every little life counts!


Lots of kittens come and go over at The Kitten Cottage but this little guy literally stole everyone’s hearts


After just about 4 months had passed, Warrior was fully recovered


His transformation is incredible and today, he lives with a great couple who have all the love in the world to give him!
