Hungry, Dirty Stray Kitty Gets Rescued After a Life Of Abuse and Now He Can’t Stop …

This is Brian – a dirty matted cat who supported a life of abuse.

One day he caught sight of a kind-hearted woman with food in her hands and calling out to him, so he walked up to her.

This starving stray was just wandering about the streets in Qatar trying to find something to eat.

“Someone found him in a tree hiding from other cats that were beating him up, he was abandoned and was out for long enough for this coat to get totally matted down to the skin,” Happy Homes Animal Rescue stated.

And so, some good people offered him food and tried to find a way to rescue him. Yolanda from EvenStar Charitable Organization also arrived to give a hand.

He was very happy and contented to be rescued!

Yolanda completely shaved and vetted him and then she contacted Happy Homes Animal Rescue to see if they can find someone interested in adopting him.

“We have worked with her in the past to help with other cats. She said he’s very sweet but a bit defensive from his time on the streets,” Happy Homes Animal Rescue stated.

After getting a nice, warm bath, Brian got plenty of food so he can start to gain weight and get stronger.

He was finally microchipped, fully vaccinated, dewormed and even neutered.

He was then ready for his next chapter in life!

On March 29, Brian made his way to the US. Rescuers who were awaiting his arrival at the airport. When they first caught sight of little Brain, he immediately craved their attention.

He was on his way to his foster home in New Jersey.

Now sweet Brian has finally settled down in his foster home, purring and snuggling every day with his foster parents.

You can also follow Brian’s updates on Happy Homes Animal Rescue Facebook page.

Photo credits: Happy Homes Animal Rescue │ H/t: