Missouri Pets in Peril Amidst Rising Floodwaters - Watch the Rescue Videos

MISSOURI – Many people are still in need of a helping hand, even our furry friends. The Humane Society of Missouri released this video after they rescued a cat from a flooded home in Fenton.

The cat rode out the rising waters by making a boat out of its litterbox . The Humane Society has established an emergency shelter in Arnold for those who need a place to board their pets for the time being.

In another part of the state, Allen Irwin said, “I got the cats out.”

Most evacuees stayed with family or friends or went to hotels, but Allen Irwin, 40, who is a construction worker, went to one of seven American Red Cross shelters set up in the area. The Valley Park resident said police came around evacuating people and he only had time to grab his two cats, which he put in a plastic tub.

“I got the cats out and everything else is replaceable,” said Irwin, who noted that construction work will be readily available after the flood. If his house was flooded, he said he would “pick up the pieces and start again.”

The Humane Society has a trailer at the shelter to take care of Irwin’s cats and other pets.

Meanwhile in the Pontoon Beach area … with the rising waters of surrounding lakes and ponds, residents were forced out of their homes located in two larger mobile home parks. Due to the situation’s urgency, some were rushed by police and had to leave their pets behind.

Fortunately for those pet owners, local fire departments and volunteers made their way back to homes in the Mallard Lake and Village Green parks to rescue these four-legged pets in peril.

“There were over nine dogs and five cats that were rescued,” said Mayor Mike Pagano. “They have all been taken to Granite City and have been placed with foster programs so that they can be cared for until they can return home to their families.”

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/7778654587/videos/10153867971609588/” width=”800″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

Facebook: Humane Society of Missouri

In yet another area of Missouri, Tracie of Open Door Animal Sanctuary saves a kitty who was trapped on the porch of a mobile home.

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/OpenDoorAnimalSanctuary/videos/10153856751103875/” width=”800″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

We here at The Best Cat Page wish everyone out there the very best. You are all in our prayers and well wishes!

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