Near-blind Kitten Finds Forever Home Following 400-mile …

UNITED KINGDOM – Isn’t this just the most adorable kitty you have ever seen?

This kitten who was left almost blind by cat flu has now found a new home on the other side of the country after a couple fell in love with him on the internet.

Bear arrived ever at the Blue Cross’s Ipswich centre “in an appalling state” when he was just about three months old.

A couple living in Somerset spotted him on the charity’s website and knew, despite his deformed eyelids and partial sight, that they absolutely had to adopt him.

Manyl months later and after a 400-mile trip he is now settled with them.

Bear was barely able to see due to ulcers on his eyes, and his inner eyelids had fused together when he arrived in December. He ended up needing two operations to save his vision, the Blue Cross said.

Eve now, he can still only partially see and has deformed eyelids.

However, his non-conventional appearance did not put off Tara Newton and Luke Thomas, from Yeovil.

“We wanted to give a home to a cat with a disability, as a lot of people overlook them,” Ms Newton stated.

“I saw Bear on the website and I just knew we had to have him. He looked like such a lovely little guy and he is.”

And so, they made the round trip of about 400 miles (645km) to Suffolk, and about seven hours later, Bear was settling into his new home.

He still requires daily eye drops and morning and night eye bath as his tear ducts are deformed.

Bear also still needs to be closely monitored as the cat flu that caused his problems – caused by the feline herpes virus – is incurable and will remain within his body for life, the animal charity said.

“He is so loving and affectionate,” Ms Newton stated.

“To go through so much at such a young age and still be so friendly is amazing.”
