15 Reasons Why Cats Are Far Better Than Boyfriends or Girlfriends!

Maybe you think that soulmates come in human form but no one can love you as much as a four-legged, furry creature that dotes and completely depends on you and brings you zero heartbreak.

We spend our entire lives looking for ‘the one’ when really, all it takes is a quick visit to a shelter and you’ve found your life partner.

Cats, in particular, are animals that can and do bring you pretty much everything a boyfriend or girlfriend can. Okay, there may be some notable exceptions but when you weigh them up against the stress, pain and irritation sharing your life with another human can cause, cats win every single time.

Here are just 14 of the numerous points that prove this:

1. Cats will give you attention without making a fuss about it

Their cuteness knows absolutely no bounds as they cuddle up and purr – there’s no working for it here like there is in a relationship.

2. Cuddling with your cat doesn’t have to lead to more

If you snuggle up with your cat under the covers, they will be perfectly happy to leave it there. You aren’t inadvertently triggering some hopes or inclinations of something more. In cat’s mind, cuddling close is the ultimate final base.

3. Cats will never play mind games

If they’re pissed off and expect some me time, they will make it perfectly clear with a very obvious hiss or scratch. And when they’re over it, they’ll come back for a hug and all is well again.

4. Cats DO often snore, but their snoring is cute

Rather than the snorting person slobbering beside you, you could listen to your cat’s squeaky sleep wheezes for hours. You might even think to film it.

5. If a cat indeed wants something, then they will ask for it

They will headbutt their dish or perhaps meow loudly and it is easily sortable. You don’t need to play guessing games or read between the lines.

6. Cats will never hog the bathroom, but they will share it

Cats have their litter tray, you have your own toilet and everyone can live in freedom and harmony. Okay, sometimes they may awkwardly stand and watch you pee but they’re just checking you’re safe. Toilets are dangerous.

7. Cats are completely happy with any kind of stroke

There will never come a time when you’re doing it wrong or hitting the wrong spot. Thankfully!

8. Cats are extremely clean creatures and instinctively self-groom

Your partner is not always guaranteed to be as self-aware
of their own hygiene. Is this a risk you want to take?

9. A cat sitting on your laptop often presents a welcome and fun distraction

A partner’s hassling you when you’re busy can be VERY annoying.

10. Cats love bonding time and love spending time playing

Ask your partner to sit and watch a program with you that you like and then you have a real battle on your hands! We know you know what we’re talking about!

11. Cats help you to de-stress and unwind!

Science has proven that just their presence can relieve your tension and a cat always knows when you’re feeling low and comes and cuddles you. A partner, on the other hand, can and more often than not, be the cause of the stress.

12. Cats are not too clingy

You can leave them for a whole day and they won’t give you a hard time over where you’ve been, who you’ve been with or how you aren’t looking after their needs.

13. Preparing a meal for a cat is a breeze

Can opener + can of tuna = you’re a God to them!

14. Cats will bring you plenty of gifts

In fact, more often than not, you can expect at least one present per day and it doesn’t matter that it is a dead rodent; it’s the thought that counts.

15. Cats are true social media gold

Relationship over-sharing and endless couple selfies will quickly lose you Facebook and Instagram friends. A 10-second clip of your cat snoring will wins you endless likes and shares.

We cat people have spoken! When it comes to ‘relationships’, you’re better off with your cat!

via metro.co.uk