He Sheltered A Stray Cat Through The Cold Winter And Let Him Back Out - But One Month Later …

Cats never forget an act of kindness!

“I housed a wild neighborhood cat through the winter and let him escape when it got warm out. After a month without seeing him, I noticed a visitor at my door,” the man stated on his Reddit.

This is Zero!

“I think he wants to visit but is afraid of being trapped indoors again, so he ran off when I approached the door. We got pretty close for the 5 months he was my roomie so I already knew he would react that way.”

The man allowed his two kids name him Zero, after the Nightmare Before Christmas ghost dog.

“I have another very similar looking cat of my own naming, called Pizza.”

Here is a photo of Pizza on the left and Zero on the right.

“The very first time we met Zero, my fiancée was taking out the garbage and thought we left Pizza outside (which he is not an outdoor cat) so she freaked out and called me to bring him in. I shouted from inside the house that Pizza was already laying on me and the rest is history.”

The man later found out that Zero actually has another family in the neighborhood, who have named him Shadow.

“I imagine he is figuring out that it’s okay for him to live outdoors and have multiple families.”

“He will be back and gradually he will try his luck by coming indoors, and eventually will learn that when the weather is nice, he is free to come and go.”

Photo credits: Reddit │ via: www.iizcat.com