A Poll Shows That Cat Owners Need to Stop Their Pets Getting Into Trouble 1,350 Times a Year

We all know how cats behave – they can be fun, but pretty mischievous at the same time. A recent poll in the UK discovered that cat owners have to stop their feline friends from doing evil things more than 1,300 times per year, which, we all have to agree, is too much.

According to the poll, cat owners are not fond of being cross with their cats, who regularly jump on the dinner table, sleep in “no cat” zones, jump on kitchen counters, and raid the cat food supply.

A third of cat owners admit they resort to “cat proofing” in their home – it means buying furniture covers and putting strong locks on their cupboards. It sounds insane, but some people’s cats are truly up to no good. Four out of ten cat owners admitted that their pet’s antics are the reason why they love them so much – they find it cute. A whopping 91% of the participants admitted that they don’t like being harsh with their pets no matter what they do.

Two thirds of the interviewed cat owners said that reprimanding their cats doesn’t work in most cases – they’re up to no good again in only a day or two. A whole 80% of cat owners agree that their cats are mischievous, with people from the South West preferring to call them playful rather than mischievous. People from the West Midlands need to stop their cat doing antics 5 times per day on average, which is the highest rate in the UK.

A great number of cat owners (72%) admit that their cat poke their nose where they shouldn’t – most of the cases it’s in the washing machine. However, 9 out of 10 people said that their feline friends make them laugh their heart out more often than annoying them.

According to the research, nearly 60% of cat owners say that their cats are mischievous around dinner time, and 50% of them have admitted that their cats help themselves to food on the table when no one’s looking. Three-quarters of the participants say that their cats are hungry as hell in the morning, asking for food as soon as they open their eyes. British cats wake up at about 6.32 AM on average, with cats in the Eastern regions waking up 20 minutes earlier.