Tiny Kitten Who Was Born with TWO HEADS and THREE EYES - Said to Be Thriving!

CHINA - This kitten is clearly alive and able to eat like the rest of its siblings.

However, the owner, who calls himself Xiao Wei, is unsure how long it will survive.

The man from Shenyang City, which is the capital of north-eastern China’s Liaoning Province, is a self-professed cat lover who has several of the felines in his home.

And having seen many of his pets give birth in the past, he was not expecting to welcome the two-headed kitty into his family.

The two-year-old mother cat, whose breed has not been specified, gave birth to five kittens and the oddly formed newborn was immediately recognizable.

Xiao Wei, who live-streamed his kitten to Chinese social media, explained that the two-headed animal has two mouths that move, but only one of them makes sounds.

Xiao Wei has vowed to take the best care of the special kitten but added that he does not know how long it will survive.

Netizens on China’s Twitter-like social media platform Sina Weibo were quite relieved to hear the cat was able to eat and hope that means it has a good chance of reaching adulthood.

via www.express.co.uk