TARBOLTON, SCOTLAND - A driver spotted a bright pink Nike gym bag which was “moving” on the side of the road… and found two cats wriggling inside.
The discovery was made at the side of the A719 which is located in Tarbolton.
The poor pair - a young female cat and a kitten aged four months - had been zipped tightly inside.
The driver took them immediately to the SSPCA homing centre in Ayr where they have been named Lily and Rose and awaiting new homes.
Inspector Leanne McPake stated: “Lily and Rose were found on a grass verge inside a pink and black Nike bag which was zipped closed.
“A man was driving along this back road when his children noticed that the bag was moving, which is why he stopped to investigate.
“Discarding Lily and Rose in a bag was an extremely cruel thing to do and they would have died a slow and painful death had they not been discovered.
“Luckily both mum and baby seem to be doing okay despite their terrible ordeal and we are now keen to trace whoever is responsible.
“If anyone knows who did this we would urge them to contact our animal helpline on 03000 999 999.”