UPDATE: Benny, the Special Needs Cat No One Wanted, Sadly, Has …

Not long ago, we posted a story about this adorable cat named Benny, who was a special needs cat that no one wanted to adopt.

His caretaker wrote on a Facebook post recently:

“We can barely write this through our tears. Our most beloved and beautiful boy Benny has gone to the rainbow bridge.

‘Everyone who saw him was touched by his adorable face and story. We loved him with all our hearts and are devastated at his passing.

‘The vets and staff at Beverly Oaks fought so hard and gave all they had but Benny (as is common with hydrocephalus animals and people too) had a cerebral hemorrhage.

‘We hope you’ll forgive us but we will not be doing any more posts today as we mourn the passing of our baby. If we lose the Modern Cat Contest so be it, as losing Benny has been a blow to our hearts and souls and we need time to process what has happened.

‘Benny was surrounded by the people who loved and cared for him. Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers.

Rest well, our angel, we will forever love and miss you”

We here at The Best Cat Page are very sorry to hear this news. Benny was indeed a beautiful baby!”

If you are interested in reading the story we posted originally, please go HERE!

For more, follow Milo’s Sanctuary, Inc. on Facebook!

Photo credits: Milo’s Sanctuary