All I Want For My Birthday is Cat Food’, Said One 8-year-old Okanagan Girl, and Guess What?

CANADA – Do you remember just what you got on your eighth birthday?

We don’t either!

However, eight-year-old Nikita Harker made a selfless a gift wish not long ago – one that she won’t soon forget.

“I asked for cat food for cats,” explained Nikita. Why? “Because I love animals.”

Nikita’s friends and others gave her just what she wanted; bags, boxes and crate fulls of cat food.

Nikita and her grandparents hand delivered a total of three large tubs full of food, treats and toys to the Kelowna SPCA.

“We always have hungry mouths to feed, so we’re thankful she thought of us for her birthday,” stated Liz Ingram with the SPCA.

Ingrim went on to explain that the shelter relies heavily on donations and this one goes a long way.

“It’s food for months!”

Nikita then took some time to meet the cats she’ll be helping feed and says she couldn’t imagine a better birthday.

She even called her visit with the cats: “the best day of my life.”

She already has big some new, big plans for her next birthday: to ask for food donations for the SPCA’s dogs.

Hero, little girl – that’s what you are, a little hero!
