NEW ZEALAND - Abandoned cats in Hawke’s Bay are being given a second chance thanks to one very special Hastings woman named Vicky Mckay.
Ms Mckay runs a no kill cat rescue shelter. What this means is that she will never put a healthy animal to sleep if she can’t find it a home.
“It will have a home with me till it finds its forever home.”
Ms Mckay started saving dogs from the Hastings pound just about seven years ago. She saved and re-homed more than 200 mostly dogs, getting them off death row.
“I gave them a second chance at life.”
However, a chance encounter with a cat who was dying inspired her open a shelter for vulnerable cats and kittens.
“I found a tiny kitten (Sammie) very close to death out in the country.”
She said the vets thought he might have been too badly brain damaged.
“They said if there was no improvement it would be best to put him to sleep.”
Sammie lay on a towel for ten weeks where he clung to life.
CAT WOMAN: Vicky Mckay with just a few of the cats she has likely saved from death. PHOTO/PAUL TAYLOR.
“I spoon fed him everyday and night for ten weeks till he got the strength to start to walk.”
Consequently, Sammie grew to be a happy, healthy cat which inspired Ms Mckay to open her cat shelter.
“I’m in my second season now saving cats and kittens and it is all dedicated to him. I’ve always loved all animals but he gave me a real passion for cats and kittens.”
She said she was lucky enough to have the help of her two sons Hayden, 16, and Jonty, 14, who also help care for and clean up after their furry feline friends.
When she has a “pet run” her sons know she has to go - “whether it be day or night if there’s an animal in need I will go.”
She tries to limit her rescues to the ones that are in dire need as there are only so many she can take in.
The rescued cats now have a “kitten palace” built specially for their needs. She can have anywhere between two and 12 cats at one given time.
Kudos, Vicky!
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