Daily Archives: January 16, 2025

CORNWALL, UNITED KINGDOM - A scientist from Cornwall College Newquay has discovered the best excuse for adopting that cat you’ve always wanted. According to former student Filipa Dinis, there is a clear link between owning a car and feeling more […]

Cats: The Key to Better Health, So Says Scientist

A little advance planning goes a long way For pet lovers like us, our critters aren’t merely property. They are our best friends, companions, and family members, so why treat them as anything less? Just as you would make provisions […]

What Will Happen If I Die Before My Cats or Dogs Do?

Two adorable mountain lion kittens were found hiding out in California’s Santa Monica Mountains in December. Biologists for the National Park Service discovered the female and male kittens while tracking the GPS coordinates of their mom, whom they have studied […]

Cute Mountain Lion Kittens Found in Santa Monica Mountains

The crime scene photographs spoke of just how cruel Scott A. Deater was when he beat to death his former girlfriend’s pet cat. Photo after photo showed blood stains on the walls of the Freemansburg apartment, where Deater slammed the […]

Man Who Slayed Pet Cat ‘Evil, Vicious,’ Prosecutor Says

BEAMAN, IOWA - Just about 45 cats are now in need of homes after two Eastern Iowa shelters rescued them from a hoarder situation. This happened just outside of Beaman, in rural Grundy County, Iowa. Rescuers found around 45 cats […]

45 Cats Rescued From A Nightmare Hoarding Situation in Iowa

Sphynx Cats are one of those rare breeds of cats which don’t have too many hairs or fur on their body. Though almost completely hairless, they are still ridiculously cute! Just like any other cats, Sphynx cats are also very […]

Sphynx Cats Taking Over the Whole Bed! - VIDEO