ISRAEL-Where have all the good people in this world gone? Well, one of them is surely right here in this video clip you are about to see! We are not sure where this video was filmed but from what we […]
We here at The Best Cat Page recently stumbled upon this exceptional kitty named, Rosavell. This is Rosavell! Rosavell’s human, Morgan, told us here at The Best Cat Page, “I came across Rosavell’s Facebook page while browsing on some other […]
Cats aren’t quite as blatant as dogs when it comes to letting their owners know how they feel about them. Still, that doesn’t mean they don’t love us. The truth is that cats feel just as much affection for their […]
BLOUNT, TENNESSEE - Nobody has to tell Diane Martin or Charlie Rafford how fast two cats can turn into hundreds. Martin is president of the Smoky Mountain Animal Care Foundation, and Rafford is director of the Blount County Animal Center. […]
A baby is a baby. The reaction of a group a mature cats to seeing a box full of kittens for the very first time is priceless. It’s clear these big boys and big girls know these wee ones are […]
Totally hilarious SNL skit starring Melissa McCarthy and Kate McKinnon (two of the newly minted Ghostbusters) in this weekend’s “Whiskers R We” sketch. They’re having a holiday blow-out. Instead of scarfing down your own personal pint of Ben & Jerry’s, […]
DAYVILLE, CONNECTICUT - A Dayville animal shelter is asking for your help adopting the dozens of cats which animal control officers recently seized from a home. There are so many cats, there just isn’t enough room in their shelter. They […]
CROPSEYVILLE, NEW YORK – Several dogs and cats were apparently chained outside of a home on Jay Hakes Road for a long time, many of them were left outside in the freezing cold. The home is owned by 83-year-old Edward […]
Dozens of dogs and cats now have a chance at a much brighter future in the Pacific Northwest. The Wings of Rescue “Love is in the Air” airlift landed on Saturday at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. In the […]