Jordan, Beloved Library Cat, Missing from Edinburgh University ….

2-minEDINBURGH, UNITED KINGDOM - The black and white male cat, named Jordan, is owned by friars at the university’s Catholic Dominican chaplaincy.

However, he spends much of his time asleep on his favorite turquoise chairs in the library.

Jordan, who was last seen back on 13 March, has a large online following and in 2014 was issued with his own matriculation card by staff.

The university press office has issued an alert via Twitter on Tuesday, asking people to keep an eye out for Jordan, who is known to frequent and spend time in George Square.

Students have since posted worried and compassionate messages on a Facebook page set up for the cat.

Louise Krüger wrote: “Come back library cat! There’s no way I can get through these final essays without you and your sassy face.”

Natalia Sokolova added: ” I hope you’ve just found a girlfriend, Library Cat, or hanging out with your mates. Do let us know you are OK, the last thing we need is to lose you.”




Follow Jordan’s Facebook Account: Here.
