Politician in Italy Proposes Unleashing 500,000 Feral Cats to Combat Rome’s Rat Problem! (Bless This Man!)

A politician in Rome would like to let the cats out of the bag, about 500,000 of them, that is.

Cats vie for food. (Reuters)

Cats vie for food. (Reuters)

Mayoral candidate Antonio Razzi announced plans the other day to deploy an army of hungry felines to solve the city’s rat infestation, The Local reports.

Razzi claims “time is running out” to battle the present “rat invasion,” the media outlet reports. “Every day there are more and more.”

The cats would be imported from Asia and then be deployed in strategic areas throughout Rome to target the rodents.

While the cats would get free reign of the city streets, Razzi assures everyone there’s little risk of a feral feline takeover. In fact, the politician has a heartwarming and cost-effective proposition to keep all the cats in check.

“They could live with Rome’s lovely old cat ladies. We could even offer a subsidiary for taking them in,” Razzi said.

Rome has been a hub for cats since back in the ancient times, but the population has fallen dramatically over the past three decades following a neutering policy for all of the city’s feral cats and dogs.

Since the law’s enactment, Rome’s rat population has skyrocketed like crazy. Experts now estimate there are more than two rats for each one of the city’s 2.6 million residents.
