Adorable Moment Maximus the Singing Cat Performs Duet of The Outhere Brothers Hit with His Human!

UNITED KINGDOM - Cats are very well known to be very vocal when expressing their pleasure - as this gorgeous kitty showed when he performed a duet of an Outhere Brothers classic with his owner.

Owner Mat Ambrose, who hails from Falmouth, Cornwall, filmed his Bengal cat, whose name is Maximus, as he sang the line: ‘Boom boom boom, let me hear you say wayo’.

The cat responds in perfect time by making a ‘wayo’ sound - just like in the original song.

Mat uploaded the clip on social media, where it has been viewed over 3.7 million times.

He commented ‘The cat can sing’, later adding: ‘I can’t believe iv (sic) gone viral.’

Mat has now created a Facebook page for his cat, called
Maximus The Singing Cat.

The song Boom Boom Boom was released by American hip-hop duo The Outhere Brothers back in 1995.

It reached number one in the charts in the UK!
