America’s First Cat Wine Bar To Open in Denver!

DENVER, COLORADO – Move out of the way, cat cafes!

A group of cat lovers in Denver have recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the opening of America’s first wine bar populated by rescue cats.

The bar is the brainchild of the Denver Cat Company, which began 18 months ago with the aim of finding loving homes for rescue cats.

The Denver Cat Bar, which will combine felines and wine, will be free to enter where cat lovers can play with the rescues while enjoying a glass of their favourite wine.

The lounge bar is partly aimed at cat lovers who are for one reason or another unable to have one at home for reasons such as renting rather than owning the property.


The bar will have a separate area to enjoy some food and drinks, but guests are allowed to take their wine into the cat lounge if they wish.

“We cannot emphasise enough how much we need you to make this happen. There are no wealthy investors here, just our community – you – rooting for us,” the campaign’s Kickstarter page states.

The campaign, which has a total of 25 days left to run, has currently attracted 104 backers, who have officially pledged $6,156 between them.

A location for the bar has yet to be chosen. All of the cats at the bar will be available for adoption if one takes your fancy over a glass of Purrnot Noir!
