Bobcat Who Lost His Mom Gets ‘Adopted’ By Rescued Mama Cat!

Meet Bob!
Bob the bobcat lost his own mother and was taken in by a rescued stray mama cat whose name is Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea loved and cared for Bob as if he were her very own. Back in May, a Good Samaritan brought a box to Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation looking for help.


Inside the box was the little Bobcat. Erica Chacon of Sarge’s explained that he was found as an orphan. The woman who originally brought Bob in said she had seen the mother bobcat near her home the night before.


It was a stormy night, and when morning arrived, only the baby bobcat was there.


Because the baby couldn’t be reunited with his true mother, the woman brought him to the shelter – he was only a few days old.


On the very same day, a stray mama cat and her litter of five kittens had also been rescued and taken to Sarge’s. The only hope for the tiny bobcat was to be accepted and nursed by this momma cat.


Sweet Pea did indeed take him in without any hesitation!

Within 15 minutes, Sweet Pea was nursing him, and everyone just knew that Bob was going to be okay!


Sarge’s hopes to rehabilitate Bob so that one day, he can be returned to the wild.

Photo credits: Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation
