Bunny the Foster Kitten’s Amazing Transformation

Sweet little Bunny was discovered and taken into foster care back in December 27, 2016.

At the particular time she arrived she was completely covered with a fungus that left her with barely any hair. She was malnourished and severely underweight and urinating blood from a urinary tract infection. Fortunately there was one kind and caring woman, Nikki Martinez, who simply knew she could help, so she took Bunny home to foster.

Nikki atates: “The day I rescued Bunny she was a bald hot mess. I took a deep breath and envisioned her having fluffy and hair strutting her stuff. It was the light at the end of the tunnel on her road to health. In my head I was singing ‘I believe in miracles’ and picturing her healthy and happy. I only hope that Bunny’s recovery will motivate others to foster, especially kitties with fungal infections who are some of the first to be euthanized in municipal shelters.”