Cat Lost Since Christmas Found Clinging to Highway …

MASSACHUSETTS - The Boston Globe ran a story early last week about a cat that managed to slip out of a moving car as a passenger opened and closed a rattling door while speeding down I-93.

Unbeknownst to the driver at the time, Juno the cat had simply slipped out of her carrier. That’s when she tumbled onto the highway and that could have easily have been gone for good.

Still, the paper reported that the owner Erin McCutcheon and her boyfriend searched for several days.

That was back on Christmas Day.

On Wednesday, city electrical workers on site spotted a gray cat who was “crouched and hiding 80 feet up in the air on a steel girder that runs under the highway in Charlestown,” according to the Globe.

McCutcheon, in a Facebook post, explained that by complete luck, one of the workers was parked directly next to one of her “missing cat” posters.

“Initially she was too scared to come near them, but they were able to lure her out with some cans of cat food, and then get her down from the highway,” McCutcheon went on to write. “We are so incredibly overwhelmed with happiness that she has been found, and with gratitude for (Local 103 Electrician) Jay (Frasier) and his co-workers for rescuing her. As well as everyone else who has given their time, assistance, and moral support to keep us going. I knew if any cat could survive such a horrible ordeal, it would be Juno.”

The workers are now being hailed as true heroes, (as they should be.)
