Cat Who Liked and Trusted No One in the Shelter, Then and Now!

Having a loving forever home makes all the difference in the world for any cat!

Here is one truly heart-warming story from reddit user KiwiJean.

“My new cat Bear was handed in to my local cat rescue as his owner had too many cats,” she said.

Jean took one look at this cat’s sad, pathetic face at the shelter and her heart just melted!

Apparently, the poor cat was despondent and not very social when he was at the shelter.

This is how he looked then …


Jean knew in her heart that this sweet boy had done what cats do and chosen her. She was the only person he would actually come out for as terrified as he was!


“Third visit while he was still at the rescue (waiting on some final jabs). Warming up to being stroked.”


“Once he started accepting strokes he just wouldn’t stop!”


On his very first day in his new home with his new forever human mom, he spend most of the day cuddling and snuggling with her as if he had never been cuddled and snuggled before!


What a darling cat!


And as far as that sad, despondent look on his face that he used to have when he was in the shelter, Jean also said, “Now he only uses that look when he wants more food.”


If you enjoyed this cute little story, share it with your friends!