Couple Found 3 Legged Cat on a Trail and Now He Has Forever Home

A couple was simply out hiking on a trail when they found a barely alive cat.

This is the story of Trident the cat.


“He was born without a leg. When we first found him we thought maybe an animal had bit his leg off. Once we checked him, we realized there was no open wound or even a scar,” Trident’s human explained to Love Meow.


Trident was found at the trailhead entrance for the Calico Tanks Trail Head, which is located in Red Rock Canyon, NV.


“We do not know how long he was there but when he was found he was too weak to walk or even crawl.”


They just knew they had to save him.

“We didn’t think he would make it through the night and this is him after 12 hours of constant care.””Because of the plaque, gingivitis, and missing teeth, the vet can only estimate that he is anywhere from 6 months to 4 years.””He loves when we play with him. He really likes stringy type of toys. He loves biting and pulling on them. He has a very unique personality.”


“He really enjoys laying to us when we watch TV. He tends to get really close to us and rests his head on us whenever he can.”

“He is very affectionate towards us. He gives us the most amazing looks and licks us.”

What a beautiful story. We love the happy endings, don’t you?
