VIRGINIA - Presenting this little gray kitty named Edward!
He will absolutely take your breath away for sure.
His rescuers wanted nothing more than to give a real chance to him to live a beautiful life. He was born at Richmond Animal Care and Control. Later, he went into a foster care where he met his foster mother, whose name is Megan Timberlake.
No one could help but notice that his head was little bigger than the normal and the vet discovered that Edward was born with a condition called, hydrocephalus.
It wasn’t easy at all for this poor wee one in the beginning but with time, he showed that he is a brave warrior which he handled his condition in the best way.
His foster mother took him home and took care of him the best she could, making sure that he was comfortable and safe in every way.
They waited just until he got a little bit bigger and stronger to get neutered, and that’s when they saw that he had entropion which causes the eyelashes to fold inwards.
The vets who practice over at Prevent A Litter fixed his eyes and in not time, he recovered.
His personality is simply amazing.
Little Edward shows everybody around him that he is just in love with life.
He even has a cute, little sister, whose name is Luna. The two spend plenty their time playing and cuddling with each other!
Today Edward lives with 3 cats and 3 dogs. One of his new brother cats, whose name is Gulliver, is blind. The two of them became ‘besties’!
According to Megan, he was planning to stay at home just until he gets big enough to be adopted later, but destiny changed the plans and he never ended up leaving.
What an amazing rescue story, and what an awesome little kitty!