An Emergency Surgery Saves Life of Kitty Who Swallowed, Of All Things, a Cat!

Kitty the cat seemed to be quite full of herself — and we mean that in the most literal sense.

This cat, who lives in Denton, England, nearly died recently having swallowed a 2-inch plastic cat-shaped toy.

According to the Manchester Vet Centre, her worried owners, whose names are Paul and Michelle Grice, immediately rushed the cat to the vet office (run by the independently-owned Willows Veterinary Group) one Saturday when it became quite evident that she was seriously ill.

When they first arrived there, a veterinarian, whose name is Ann Mee, was given the task of examining the 4-year-old ginger cat. She noted that an emergency surgery absolutely necessary.

“An x-ray revealed a foreign body had become lodged in her abdomen,” a press release states. “When Ann and her team operated, they discovered the toy cat wedged against her intestinal wall. It had already lacerated the tissue within the intestines and was threatening to perforate the intestinal wall at any time, which would have proven fatal.”

The extremely lucky cat has since made a full recovery, much to the joy of her entire family, including daughters, Amelia, 5, and son, Charlie, 7.

“I cannot thank the staff enough,” stated Paul, 38. “We’re so grateful to them. It’s all down to them she’s still here, without a doubt.”

All of the nitty-gritty kitty details of the case — the fact that Kitty swallowed a cat named Kitty from a Kitty in My Pocket children’s toy — are still all a bit of a head-scratcher.

“We had absolutely no idea that she’d swallowed anything and only found out as a result of the x-ray,” Paul went on to say.

“What are the chances of a cat called Kitty swallowing a cat called Kitty? I have no idea where the toy cat came from and how she managed to eat it. I guess we will never know. She’s never done anything like this before.”

Photo credits: Willows Veterinarian Group / Via: