Grandfather Cat Gets Smothered By Lively Kittens!

Mason is a truly an ancient, battle-scarred grandfather cat with advanced kidney disease. Instead of Euthanasia, Tiny Kittens Rescue opted to give him a second chance at life.

“We had two options: euthanize him, or give him a chance to adjust to life in a home and provide hospice care for as long as he had left. We are a no-kill organization, and believe that any life is worth saving as long as we are able to alleviate suffering,” Tiny Kittens wrote on YouTube. “Mason’s many scars told us how hard he had fought to survive this long, and we were determined to give him a chance to experience comfort, safety and freedom from pain during his sunset months.”

“I took Mason to my house, because his feral instincts told him humans were predators, and he reacted appropriately when one tried to interact with him. He was not a candidate for adoption.

“I knew he was starting to feel comfortable here when I would come out of my bedroom in the morning and see the whole house rearranged - toys everywhere, rugs moved, pillows off the couch, all general indications of a happy cat engaging in rambunctious play. He still wanted no contact from me other than play time, but I was relieved that he was so clearly feeling better and happy to be alive. I thought that was a pretty great outcome for an old, terminally ill feral cat, and didn’t think it could get any better.”

“Then one day, I brought my foster kittens out for a “field trip” into the main house so they could experience a new setting as part of their socialization. They swarmed over to Mason’s lair, and started climbing all over him, just really invading his personal space. I was right there next to them, holding my breath and expecting him to hiss or growl and then slink away to hide under the couch… When Scrammy (ginger kitten) started licking Mason’s ear, and Mason leaned into it, I completely melted… the one thing missing for Mason had been contact with another living being, and while he didn’t want that from ME, he had clearly been craving it from his own kind.”

Be sure to watch this adorable video of Mason being smothered by kittens below!

To read the first article we posted About Grandpa Mason, click here!

Photo/video credits: TinyKittens