Kenyan Man Sold Cat Meat for Samosas for Years!

After a long six years, a Kenyan man who sold cat meat for samosas has been caught and immediately jailed. James Kimani admitted killing about a thousand cats and selling the meat to street food vendors in Nakuru. Kimani was arrested by the police just minutes before he was lynched by a mob who caught him skinning a cat earlier. Kimani admitted the killing and was put in jail for 3 years and a substantial fine. Serves him right.

According to him, Kimani identified a serious shortage of meat by samosa sellers in 2012 and came to an idea. The vendors were unaware he was selling cat meat until a passerby saw Kimani skinning a cat on the street. A mob of people gathered around quickly and he was surely going to be beaten to death in case the police did not arrive. Kimani made nearly 4,000 GBP with illegal meat and a bit more by selling the skin of the cats. Shocking!

Kenyan Man Sold Cat Meat for Samosas for Years!

The man is being held at Ukulima Police Station. PHOTO | COURTESY

Kimani defended his actions by telling the court he was unaware that selling cat meat is illegal. He claimed someone else paid him for the killings, but we’re sure he would have said anything to get out of jail. Kenyans are shocked by Kimani’s behavior and more so by the thought they ate samosas with cat meat for years without anyone being aware of it.
