Kitten Found Walking The Street Needed Many Baths Just To See Her True Fur Color

It took a total of 4 baths to see the color of this precious, rescued kitty.

A kind woman found this kitty huddling on the streets of downtown Los Angeles alone and afraid.

“When I saw her, she was not moving at all – just huddled in the corner of the building in this pitiful shivering lump. Broke my heart.

I didn’t even recognize her as a cat until I took a second look! And I had parked outside of my building that day if I had parked in the parking structure, I would have missed her completely – so, everything was lucky (or fate!),” Cynthia said via reddit.

“Had no idea if she was hurt or had anything broken, so I picked her up rather gingerly, and she just snuggled into my neck.


Did a quick check, and didn’t seem like she was THAT hurt — just dirty, and probably dehydrated and hungry. Very glad I found her when I did.”

The kitty instinctively knew that she was in good hands, showing gratitude throughout her way to her foster home.

“She is so sweet. I drove her to my friend’s house, and for the first half of the trip, she curled up on the seat next to me, but warmed up real quick and started pushing her head into my hand.” Cynthia added.

“She was really dirty, hungry and had a small abrasion under her eye, but after a trip to the vet, four baths and several cans of food she is in excellent health,” said Tisha who has become foster to the kitten.

There was no microchip to be found, but the kitty came with a blingy collar. After posting signs and pictures around the area where she was found, no one came to claim her. They are now on a mission to find the little fur buddy a forever home she deserves so much.

“She is a touch under 4 pounds which ages her at about 3-4 months. She absolutely loves human company and cuddles, and is very playful.”

More info: reddit | Kitty needs a home (Los Angeles)

Just take a look at her transformation!


