Kitten Left on The Side of a Road to Die, is Saved

They thought this wee ginger was dead. The kitten was laying on the street alone and showing no signs of motion until they saw a tiny leg give that twitch of hope.

This poor kitten was found curled up on the ground with ants crawling all over him. It was clear that the kitten needed a lot of help. When two good Samaritans found the little lifeless kitten, they picked him up and decided to try and get help for him.

“My partner and I found him curled up beside an automotive repair shop here in the Philippines. According to the mechanics, street children brought him there and were playing with him. He was covered in dirt. His right eye was shut due to pus,” Andy told the people of Love Meow.

They rushed the kitten to an animal hospital so that he could get the help he needed. They named him Alden!

“The vet cleaned him up, gave him antibiotics for his eye infection, and milk. He was also severely dehydrated. After only three days of taking his medication and feeding him milk replacements every four hours, Alden’s eyes are both wide open and beautiful.”

Alden was still waddling a bit when he walked. “He is able to walk without limping, and cries loudly for more milk!” They had to feed him with a syringe for a few days until the ginger boy was strong enough to eat on his own.

Alden arrived at his new forever home on October 10. He is recovering nicely and has a healthy appetite. It’s been almost 3 weeks since they found him. He’s got a full, round belly, big ears and a lot cattitude.

“He eats a lot and is getting more active now. We are so happy we took him home.”