Larry the Cat To Remain On Duty as “Chief Mouser” Once David Cameron Hands Over to Theresa May!

ENGLAND – It’s official! Larry the cat will be staying on in Downing Street after David Cameron hands over to Theresa May as Prime Minister

The so-called ‘chief mouser’, who is a brown and white tabby entrusted with the rat-catching portfolio, will continue his work when the new Prime Minister takes over tomorrow.

A Cabinet Office spokeswoman stated: ‘It’s a civil servants’ cat and does not belong to the Camerons – he will be staying.’

Larry, who was re-homed from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home all the way back in 2011, was said to have a ‘strong predatory drive’ that suggested he would be well-suited to the task of rat catching.

David Cameron welcomed the cat’s arrival back then, and said he would make a ‘great addition’ to the Number 10 team.

Larry was the very first cat to hold the appointment since stalwart ratter Humphrey was retired in 1997.

Humphrey was so popular that when Tony Blair moved in, officials were forced to organize a photocall to put to rest some rumours he had been put down by wife Cherie.

Humphrey was succeeded for a short period by Sybil, the pet of then chancellor Alistair Darling, back in 2007 – but the renowned mouser failed to settle and returned to Scotland.

The Foreign Office appointed Palmerston, another cat, back in April to keep pests in Whitehall at bay.

Larry previously had a bit of competition from George Osborne’s cat Freya, with the two spotted fighting on the pavement in Downing Street.

The two learned to co-exist, but Freya was eventually exiled out to the Kent countryside to live with a member of Mr. Osborne’s staff in 2014.

The cat had apparently clashed with the family’s brand new Bichon Frise, Lola.

An unofficial Twitter account set up in Larry’s name posted on Monday: ‘Does anyone know a good cat groomer available tomorrow? I need to make a good impression on someone on Wednesday…’

It had earlier tweeted this: ‘One final thing before they’ll let you have the job @TheresaMay2016 – tell the people you’ll keep me in Number 10.’

Mr Cameron was hailed an absolutely ‘astonishing’ Prime Minister today by his team as he tried to set the seal on his legacy of six years in the top job.

The premier held quite an ’emotional’ final Cabinet before visiting a free school in West London where he voiced pride in the flagship government policy.

Mr Cameron’s team noisily banged the table four times, including as the Premier departed when the meeting ended at exactly 10.20am. He will now prepare for a final outing at Prime Minister’s Questions tomorrow before making the short journey to Buckingham Palace to tender his resignation to the Queen.

The Prime Minister’s official spokeswoman revealed it had been a very ‘warm and reflective mood’ at the meeting and said the Prime Minister had spoken of his ‘honour and pride at serving the country and serving the Cabinet’ as he closed the meeting.

Discussion at the hour long meeting focused mostly on the life chances strategy and the Trident nuclear deterrent, before Mr Cameron wound up his 215th and and last Cabinet by reflecting on his achievements – including specifically gay marriage, free schools and also apprenticeships.

Theresa May, who will be named as the new Prime Minister tomorrow, and Chancellor George Osborne paid some tributes to Mr. Cameron before he concluded his Cabinet.

Mrs. May was the last to arrive at today’s gathering as she began to plan her own top team. She will take hold of the reins of power on Wednesday after suddenly winning the Tory crown when her last rival Andrea Leadsom sensationally dropped out yesterday.

A removal firm was spotted behind Downing Street today as the Cameron family prepared its rapid departure to begin to make space for Mrs May and husband Philip. The outgoing Prime Minister was spotted leaving out the back door today as he set off for his final tasks in office.

There is intense speculation in Westminster on just how Mrs. May will shape her first Cabinet, amid tension within the Tory Party over the Brexit split between Leave and Remain supporters.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon attempted to minimize demands for Leave backers to be given the biggest roles, telling Sky News: ‘We are all now Brexiters.’
