Litter of Newborn Kittens Burned in Deadly Acid Attack, Restaurant Owner Arrested!

SPAIN – The shocking incident took place in Alicante,which is in the eastern Spanish region of Valencia.

The man who was arrested for the crime is a local restaurant, who was reportedly seen by various witnesses as he carried out the attack on the baby cats.

One woman who went over to help the kittens said that they were crying from the pain and had obvious burns.

She immediately called the police, who arrived at the scene shortly afterwards.

They were able to rescue the kittens from further harm and handed all of them over to the Felinos Lo Morant Association, who immediately took them into their care and they are now being treated for their horrific burns.

ONLOOKERS: The arrested man is a local restaurant owner, who was reportedly seen by witnesses

ONLOOKERS: The arrested man is a local restaurant owner, who was reportedly seen by witnesses


The association posted an update about the kittens explaining they had managed to clean the acid off the cats’ mouths, heads, necks, stomachs, paws and tails.

Just a short time later, they shared the sad news that one of the kittens had died from its injuries.

The remaining kittens are reportedly in a serious but stable condition.

HORROR: A restaurant owner has been arrested on suspicion of burning kittens alive

HORROR: A restaurant owner has been arrested on suspicion of burning kittens alive

The restaurant owner is said to have admitted that he threw a bucket of liquid over the animals but claims he thought it was water.

The unnamed suspect spent only one night in jail before being released and he now faces charges of animal cruelty.

The street cats were approximately six weeks old and usually slept under a set of stairs leading to shops in the area.

According to some of the locals, the restaurant owner had made it perfectly clear on numerous occasions that he was annoyed that the cats were so close to his establishment.

Locals have also been searching for kittens’ mother who was also reportedly burned with the corrosive liquid but was able to flee the scene.

