Martin County Deputy Plucks Kitten from St. Lucie River!

FLORIDA - It seems a tiny kitten has used up one its nine lives in spectacular fashion today in Stuart when it was discovered clinging to oysters on a piling of the Roosevelt Bridge, according to a statement from the Martin County Sheriff’s Office.

The sheriff’s marine unit happened upon the furry black feline in distress when deputies responded to a report of tiny cries coming from the area of the bridge, which spans the river on U.S. 1, according to a Facebook post.

Rescued at sea: A drowning kitten was pulled from the St. Lucie River by a deputy on Tuesday, July 12. (Martin County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page)

Rescued at sea: A drowning kitten was pulled from the St. Lucie River by a deputy on Tuesday, July 12. (Martin County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page)


Deputy Michael Labasci pulled the kitten, which was completely “worn out and struggling to stay afloat,” into his boat. The sheriff’s office report also noted that the lucky kitten made himself right at home on the boat.

“We are pleased to report that the kitten is nice and dry and much safer on land,” according to a Facebook post.
