Milo the Cat Won’t Stop Bringing Home Sponges, Leaving His Humans Completely Baffled!

And he always looks so very proud when he brings one home!

This is Milo the cat!

Milo is a bit different from most other cats. Instead of hunting and bringing home things like dead mice and de-feathered birds, he likes to hunt for, of all things - sponges.

“Some cats bring home mice or birds, ours brings home sponges…” Funkmon_360 noted on reddit.


Milo has done this more than a few times. Here’s another where his human dad heard Milo meowing, looked outside - and saw THIS:


His humans are completely baffled.

When asked just where this little fur ball is hunting these wild sponges, his dad responded, “I think we have some very confused neighbours.”

Milo simply won’t stop!


When he’s not outside hunting for sponges, Milo loves hanging out at home with his humans!

Maybe Milo trying to deliver some ominous warning or something?

Maybe he’s just trying to imply that the house needs to be cleaner?
