How “MushMush” Went from Being on the Kill List to Being “Mayor of the Ninth Floor!”

BRONX, NEW YORK – If you happen to live on the same floor as MushMush, an adorable ginger cat, you can expect the warmest of welcomes as you get off the elevator!



MushMush has been dubbed the “Mayor of the Ninth Floor” by the people who live in this Bronx apartment building!

Despina Goanos, who is the owner of MushMush told The Huffington Post that he’s an extraordinarily friendly cat who “started meowing whenever he heard the elevator, so she decided to open the door and let him roam the hall — only with her careful supervision, of course.”

DESPINA GOANOS MushMush begrudgingly celebrates Easter.

MushMush begrudgingly celebrates Easter.

“He started greeting people and walking down the hall with them,” Goanos said. And MushMush has made a ton of friends.

“He has a very gentle soul,” Goanos said. “He’s very lovable, he’s extremely friendly, he loves everybody and he’s convinced he can make everybody love him.”

Many of the residents even take time out of their busy days to bring toys to MushMush whenever they have the chance!

A neighbor of Goanos, who happens to be Irish, even brought the ginger cat a green bow tie for St. Patrick’s Day.



Ironically, this kindhearted cat almost never got the second chance every cat deserves at a good life. MushMush, whose previous name was Samson — ended up at New York City Animal Care and Control back in July after his owner passed away.

And since nobody had shown up to adopt him for a spell, he ended up being put on the “at risk for euthanasia list.” This particular list is published every single day to inspire potential adopters to take quick action!

In stepped in Magnificat Cat Rescue and Rehoming. They are a well known rescue group located in the Bronx. Luckily, they were able to find a temporary foster home for MushMush.

FACEBOOK/MAGNIFICAT MushMush takes a well-earned nap.

MushMush takes a well-earned nap.

In September, Goanos contacted Magnificat, saying that she was interested in adopting a new feline companion for herself! And so she adopted MushMush and took him to his brand new forever home where he continues to be as mushy and affectionate with everyone who crosses his path.

It also seems as though MushMush, who simply loves everyone, may well just be a little too in love with his own reflection.

“He keeps on trying to make friends with the red cat in the mirror,” Goanos said. “He’ll be… cooing to that other cat forever, and in the middle of the night I don’t want to hear that.” Goanos does seem to have solved the problem, at least temporarily, by placing a bed-sheet over the mirror.

Obviously, not all cats find their forever happy endings as MushMush did.

“I wish more people would … not go to pet stores and just adopt from the shelters,” Goanos said.

Follow Magnificat Cat Rescue and Rehoming on Facebook!

Photo credits:
Despina Goanos
