Near Euthanasia, LA Shelter Cat Now Flourishes Thanks to Caring Mom

It’s an unfortunate reality that special needs pets often go unnoticed in shelters, especially when it comes to feral cats. Their capacity for unconditional love is profound, and all they seek is a touch of that same affection.

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Marmie’s Remarkable Journey

One such tale unfolded in 2017, when a frail feline was discovered wandering the LA streets. Soon after, she found herself at the South LA Animal Shelter, designated to the feral cat zone. As her hours ticked away, destiny intervened in the form of Daisy, an employee at a West Hollywood animal hospital. Despite warnings against visiting the feral section, Daisy’s heart steered her towards a grimy, visibly ill cat that immediately warmed up to her touch.

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Daisy reminisced, “This cat looked as though she was on the brink of death. Emaciated and dirty with clumps of fur, she sneezed, revealing traces of blood on her face.” What was unmistakable, though, was her non-feral behavior. An old red collar suggested she once had a family. Although Daisy hadn’t planned on adopting that day, the idea of leaving the welcoming cat to her grim fate was unbearable.

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Once adopted, the cat, now known as Marmie, weighed barely 5 pounds. She was FIV-positive, suffered from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, stomatitis, asthma, and had a diaphragmatic hernia. Yet, her spirit remained unbroken. Soon after, she underwent a dental procedure to remove infected teeth, which she braved through. Despite Daisy’s fears of a short lifespan for Marmie, six years later, she thrives.

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Life Redefined by Marmie

Marmie’s zest for life and Daisy’s relentless care are testimonies of resilience and devotion. Marmie now lives her best days, often snuggling with Daisy or basking under the sun. Special bandanas adorn her, serving the dual purpose of style and skin protection. To aid her asthma, Daisy devised a daily routine to ensure her comfort.

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Social by nature, Marmie is always the first to welcome visitors. In Daisy’s words, “Despite her myriad health challenges, she remains the most joyous and sweetest cat I’ve ever met.” This heartwarming bond prompted Daisy to launch an Instagram page for Marmie, turning her into a mini-celebrity.

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Giving Back to the Community

Inspired by Marmie, Daisy actively involves herself in the Trap, Neuter, Release (TNR) movement for feral cats. Partnering with Fix Nation, a free spay/neuter clinic, she’s on a mission to make LA’s streets safer for cats. Daisy’s plea is simple – if you have space, consider aiding in the TNR initiative, fostering kittens, or adopting those pets often overlooked.

In Daisy’s perspective, adopting a pet doesn’t just change the animal’s life; it enriches yours. Embracing those left behind, aiding in fostering, and participating in TNR gives life a renewed sense of purpose.