No One Was Going To Rescue This Poor Kitty, And So - She Rescued Herself

There are times in our lives where we are thrown challenges, very difficult times where our limits are tested. It’s actually easy to throw in the towel but our spirit does not let us give up. Pushing forward and believing that this hardship too shall pass is the only hope sometimes needed to keep going.

As the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill, famously stated, “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.”

A family discovered a cat lying outside their house. They immediately looked around but couldn’t find the mom.

They soon realized the cat had been trapped underneath the house for days and the brave little kitty somehow managed to pull herself out.

“My fellow rescuers and I were standing at the main counter of the shelter, which was just about to close. All of sudden, two women and a young girl came walking in with a shoebox,” states Bobby.

Instead of taking her over to a rescue shelter, they decided to take care of her.

The cat was hungry, dehydrated, anemic, was freezing. She had dozens of fleas sticking on to her. The family realized the kitten would probably die before reaching a rescue center. One of the rescuers, who is known as The Militant, has rescued 13 cats. The Militant explained that she had never seen a cat this close to death in her 20 years of experience.

The team gave her a thorough bath, flea meds, and a heating pad, before giving her a body massage.

The weak kitty was not ready to eat anything and would get agitated if someone even tried to feed her. They decided to feed her through syringe feeding every 30 minutes.

The first couple of hours were very crucial and the rescuers tried their best to make sure she lived.

They continued to monitor her closely to ensure she was breathing. The brave kitty managed to survive the night and had regained some strength by the next morning. She was then taken to see a vet, where she was given another bath to untangle her fur. She had the usual round of tests done, which came back negative.

The rescuers ended up naming her Mila the miracle kitty.

Mila is now all grown up and is leading a very happy life with her forever home.

She ended up being adopted by a family in Los Angeles and is loving her forever home.