This Particular Cat Only Arrives When Someone Is Dying - And The Medical Staff Cannot Explain It

This is one truly special kitty. Medical professionals over at Steere House Nursing Home believe Oscar the cat has incredible intuition. They claim that he only shows up to a patient’s room if they are about to die.

The nursing home staff explained that he’s not particularly friendly, but when a patient is nearing the end of their life, Oscar always makes an appearance. Sometimes he just kind of hangs around on their windowsill, other times he’s found snuggling next to the patient in bed.

“We’ve noticed that if someone’s in the dying process, he will curl up on the bed almost to comfort that person,” the charge nurse, Mary Miranda stated.

Per the official Steere House website, “Oscar has demonstrated an ability to detect a patient’s impending death and … is able to provide a touch of comfort to the dying, elderly residents of Steere House’s Safe Haven Advanced Care unit and their families who are dealing with the latter stages of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of end-stage dementia.”

It is said that the 10-year-old so-called “miracle cat” has accurately “predicted” in upwards of 100 deaths in the advanced-care dementia unit where he has resided since he was a kitten.

“His mere presence at the bedside is viewed by physicians and nursing home staff as an almost absolute indicator of impending death, allowing staff members to adequately notify families,” Dr. Dosa explained to Mirror.

Many patients and families are very grateful for Oscar’s presence. He is a strong source of calmness and love in the most difficult times, and many believe that he’s a miracle sent from the heavens.

Watch the video here!

Photo credits: Facebook/OscartheCat │ via: