These Photos Prove That Cats And Possums Are The Best Friends You Can Have!

Cats aren’t exactly known for being gracefully social creatures. As any cat owner will tell you, our kitty friends prefer to do things their own way, meaning they can often seem independent and cold.

However, when they do decide to show their affection at times, cats are as loving as can be. They choose exactly whom — or what — to get close to, which sometimes results in a very unlikely friendship.

This particular cat was scratching at the back door one day, and when her owners opened it, they saw that she’d brought home a new friend: a baby possum!


This match might seem a bit odd, but it’s not unheard of! Cats and possums can actually make a wonderful pair! When this possum was found abandoned in a yard when he was just a baby, the home-owners and their new cat quickly welcomed him into the family.


It’s very easy to see why cats would be attracted to a possum’s sweet, cuddly nature.


However, cats can also make friends with a wide range of other animals.


This fox was also rescued from out in the wild and now lives with his best feline friend.


Some cats even gravitate toward creatures which share unusual physical traits!


Possums have also been known to make friends with other species. No wonder these two creatures share such a beautiful relationship!


Animals, in general, can teach us humans something about getting along in spite of our differences!

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