Police Thanking 911 Caller Who Called About Cat Who Had …

NEW YORK – This story is proof that ‘chicken soup for the soul’?

Police in Rochester, New York, mentioned on Facebook Tuesday to thank the good Samaritan who dialed 911 when a cat “dumpster diving through recycling boxes” got its entire head stuck in a chicken noodle soup can.

“Thankfully someone called 911 and Ofc. Henion of our Animal Control saved the little fellow’s life,” stated the Facebook post, which shared a picture of the struggling feline stuck inside the can. “His head was covered in soup; he immediately took off running and didn’t stay around for an ‘After Rescue Photo!’”

While the police department was taking the time to send a shout out — “Thank you to whoever called 911!” the post concluded — the public was doling out thank yous of their own on Facebook.

“Thank you for saving that poor baby!” wrote one of the numerous people who commented on the Facebook post.

via people.com

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