‘Purr-fect’ Advert as Adorable Cat Wanders Into Department Store and …

UNITED KINGDOM – This is George – the tabby cat who has claimed a Wilko shop in Bristol his home.

This marvelous kitty has set up home in the town centre shop and has already earned himself a large army of Facebook fans.

George the amazing Wilko’s cat (Photo: Facebook)


Gorgeous George already gets mistaken for a very lifelike garden statue when he wandered in and had a nap on the shelves.

However, it isn’t just shoppers who are in love with the cheeky cat.

He now has his very own Facebook page which makes it easy for his fans can keep up with his every purr.

Michelle Pibworth, who is 42, and Sarah Fowler, who is 45, who created the page, told The Sun George has been visiting the store each and every day for the past six months.

George fast asleep on a pile of rugs (Photo: FACEBOOK)


Legal secretary Sarah stated: “Since just after Christmas he’s become a bit of a celebrity and Wilko just put up with him now.

“People just love him. He’s so cheeky. It’s a pity they can’t train him to serve customers. I think it’s fab – he seems such a character.”

George’s favorite part of the day is posing for his fans.

He has been photographed climbing all over the shelves, bags of cat litter, curled up asleep on a huge pile of rugs and even snoozing under a till.

Michelle explained that he is already a big hit with Wilko workers.

She went on to say: People love going in and giving him a little stroke. He doesn’t seem to move, he’s just lapping it all up.

“One woman thought he was a statue. He’s not doing anything wrong, he’s just being a cat.”

via www.mirror.co.uk