This Scrawny Abandoned Kitten Was Crying Out For Love From Under A Dumpster, But Take A Look How Wonderful He Is Now!

Some time ago, a couple was walking near an alley close to the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools when they heard a faint sound of something that resembled chirping birds. It wasn’t a bird making the sound, however – it was a tiny abandoned kitten who was looking for love and warmth!

Jim and Jennifer Movino were walking near the Fresno alley when a faint crying sound caught their attention. Jennifer stopped and tried to get the direction of voice. “At first I thought it’s a bird and stopped to listen. I called out and listened again and was finally able to locate the sound coming from behind a dumpster,” she says.

There was one problem, however – the dumpster was behind a solid metal gate. They couldn’t find the kitten who was buried in deep trash.

Fortunately, good samataritans walking nearby decided to help the couple find the kitten. They gathered a few tools and managed to open the gate, and Jennifer crawled under the dumpster to find the tiny kitten. Scared, the kitty ran under a moving van, shockingly close to being crushed to death!

Luckily, with Jennifer’s intervention, the driver stopped and opened the hood of the car, taking the little kitty out.

Jennifer was relieved – the kitten was finally safe and in her hands. She wrapped it in a t-shirt and rubbed his head so it can feel relaxed. After a while, the kitten started purring which was a sign he’s feeling better.

Jennifer named him Fulton.

After a few days, Fulton was feeling better by the day. He was taken into care by the Cat House on the Kings in Parlier, California. The staff found Fulton a great foster family with other kittens to play with and the tiny cat is doing great.

Take a look at the rescue mission below:


Fulton loves his toys and sleeps in a warm bed.

According to his foster parent, he’s gentle when he plays and has never used his claws. He’s already befriended many cats and dogs. Whenever it’s time for bed, Fulton is ready to be cuddled.

Finally, Fulton has been adopted along with another cat named Polly. Take a look at how gorgeous he is now: