Stray Cat With Large Tumor a ‘Lovable Cat’: Claims Humane Society!

CANADA - He’s not very pretty to look at right now, however, a rescued stray cat with a huge eye tumor is a ‘lovable’ animal and will be soon put up for adoption.

On Feb. 14, the Lincoln County Humane Society got a phone call from a concerned resident in Grimsby who found the stray. When they arrived to pick it up, staff discovered the large, 23-pound cat, had a giant tumor in its eye.

The cat was immediately taken to the vet and will have its eye removed in the near future.

The cat has been named “Ragetti” by staff at the shelter.

Executive director Kevin Strooband explained that Ragetti is affectionate and loves attention from staff, who have taken a huge liking to him.

He went on to say that the surgery will be done soon – early next week at the latest – and that the cat is not feeling discomfort because of the tumor. Quite the opposite actually, he said, noting it tends to rub its face up against the cage in a bid for attention.

“The cat is on antibiotics, and it’s not in any pain,” he stated.

The surgery is expected to cost in upwards of $1,300 and the humane society is using the compelling nature of this animal’s story to highlight its constant need to raise funds.

If you wish to donate to Ragetti’s care, or the care of any animal at the humane society, call 905-682-0767 ext 400, or you may visit


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