Video Clip of Grieving Cat Owner Goes Viral!

INDONESIA – One old man’s grief over the death of his beloved cat has deeply touched hearts all across Indonesia after a heartbreaking video of him breaking down in tears has gone viral on local social media.

The Indonesian pet owner’s raw and emotional display was captured vividly on camera, earning an outpouring of sympathy from netizens. The video, which was first uploaded by Facebook user Ozilzain back on November 26, has prompted close to 80,000 users to share it. It now has accumulated more 3.6 million views as of this writing.

The old man can be heard screaming, “Ya Allah!” (Oh God!) while embracing his lifeless pet and occasionally banging his head on the wooden floor.

Cat lovers’ blog Tuan Meong identified the man’s language as Maduranese, which is a regional dialect from the Indonesian island of Madura, Jakarta Coconuts reported. The blog explained that the old man was begging God that his own life to be taken away too so he could join his cat in the afterlife.

Most viewers of the clip believe that the cat looked old and may have spent a great many years with his owner before passing.

May he soon find peace in accepting the death of his beloved feline.

We here at The Best Cat Page feel his pain and we’re sure you will, too!

Via Ozilzain / FB