Woman Cures Stray Cat’s Paralysis With Massage!

UNITED KINGDOM – Vets thought that her mobility might never come back – but now Carrie is walking once again since her foster mum nursed her back to health with massage.

Kim Breckon, who is 41, rescued her and her brother when they were a mere three weeks old, hidden in brambles behind a branch of Cash & Carry. The meme cat had been injured in a car accident and had a serious leg injury.

They were beginning to recover – but Kim was completely devastated when she opened the kitchen door one day in March to find Carrie lying on the floor, limp and unable to move.

Carrie has been very lucky (Picture: SWNS)

Carrie has been very lucky (Picture: SWNS)

She had somehow fallen from the fridge and become paralyzed.

‘Her front paw was completely dead and when I put her down she just flopped,’ Kim explained.

She immediately took her to the vet, who said she may have damaged her neck and spine, and may not even survive – or if she did, she would more than likely never walk again.

It was a very harsh prognosis but Kim, who lives near Brighouse in West Yorkshire, stated she had faith Carrie could recover as she had seen her use the litter tray, a sign her internal organs were functioning.

Kim rescued Carrie from behind a Cash & Carry (Picture: SWNS)

Kim rescued Carrie from behind a Cash & Carry (Picture: SWNS)

Unwilling to give up on precious Carrie, who had already survived against the odds, she then asked another vet for a second opinion, then took a fortnight off work to massage her muscles and spine.

Six weeks passed and the kitten was once again able to put weight on her paws.

Kim, who also volunteers for Harvey’s Army, a charity that helps reunite lost and stolen animals, described the moment she was called out to help them after people heard meowing near the Cash & Carry.

‘We didn’t know the mother had had kittens until we got through all the sharp brambles,’ she stated.

‘At the end were these two kittens full of cat flu at death’s door. Their mum had carried on taking care of them really well, despite having a maggot infested leg but I didn’t think they’d survive.’

Carrie is now doing well (Picture: SWNS)

Carrie is now doing well (Picture: SWNS)

Their mother, Amber, had to have a leg amputated but is now being looked after at a foster home and dong well.

‘All the cats are doing really well, amazingly,’ Kim concluded. ‘Carrie has certainly used two of her nine lives so far – if not more!’
